
Hi, I'm Teresa!
That's me up there on the header.
#ain't_I_cute #ego_trip

I'm a Portuguese communicator.
What is that?

Well, everything I do revolves around creating words and messages and getting them across to the right people. In any field: healthcare, cosmetics, wine (hmmm...!), branding, ...

I live in the cutest city in the world (that would be Porto. Sorry every other city.)

I'm in love with my husband (shocker!), chocolate covered vanilla ice cream and beer
(I drink it like a lady: from the bottle, with my pinky pointed up)

Welcome to The Human Side of Personal Branding
Here you will find:

  • no magic formulas, 
  • no multi-million dollar secrets, 
  • just our personal experience of trying to find a job we love and 
  • how to make a buck while still loving what you do.

The Human Side of Personal Branding is the English version of a project that started out in Portuguese: www.eumarcaregistada.com

If you want to know more about me & my work, please visit my other "house" www.teresacalisto.com

From my bucket list  I can scratch off:

Living and working for a year in a developing country (India)
Ridding a camel (Morocco)
Setting foot in Africa (Morocco and Egipt)
Learning to scuba dive (I made it to level II!)
Flying (in tandem paragliding)
Hearing BB King play live (in Sabrosa no Douro!)
Watching an official soccer match on an empty stadium (in Milan)
Seeing the Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal, the Big Ben and Prague
Riding a gondola in Venice
Seeing the Mona Lisa at the Louvre
Living in London (1 month) and in Bilbao, Spain (3 months)
Interning at the "Jornal de Notícias" newspaper
Attending a concert at the Sydney Opera House (wearing a white wig!)
Working on a film set


  1. Anonymous11/26/2014

    Hi, congrats on your page ! Love it!

    1. Thank you! Hope you enjoy the rest of the blog.
      Thanks for commenting.
